Articles - Politics and
Divisions - Telegraph
Mend the fences, September 14 2016
The Trump Effect, August 16 2016
An absolute Authority Failings of Prime Ministers, August 3 2016
Emerging Global Geo politics, July 20 2016
India after Paris Attacks - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of November 25, 2015
BJP after Bihar election- Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of November 14, 2015
The BJP's Congress economic baggage - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of September 30, 2015
Possibilities of the AAP model if used in governing other cities - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of September 2, 2015 What the Modi government has done and not done so far - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of April 29, 2015
Slow and unsteady - Democracy has been a hurdle to India's development - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of April 13, 2015
Why is North India lagging the South - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of February 18, 2015
A vision of India - Narendra Modi will allow the RSS a Party and Government-a balance - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of September 3, 2014
Ninety Days of Modi Government - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of August 4, 2014 The Magic of Three - Even the appearance of imposing a language is a big mistake- Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of August 4, 2014
Introducing Change - To redirect India's growth, Narendra Modi will face opposition- Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of June 23, 2014
Beyond Family Values - Birth and breeding versus experience - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of May 12, 2014 Rebuilding the Congress - Defeat may lead to Rejuvenation - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of April 13, 2014
Time to Take Stock - The future of the Congress party - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of March 31, 2014
Misuse of Power and the subversion of Order - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of March 18, 2014
Ideals Without Ideas - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of March 2, 2014
Labels with no details Policies- Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of February 13, 2014
AAP lessons on Governance - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of January 20, 2014
New Dispensation - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of December 23, 2013
MISSION POSSIBLE - A lot needs to be done to better the infrastructure - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of August 19, 2013
The UPA's division of tasks has economic consequences - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of August 5, 2013
How the leaks got bigger - Role of Government in corruption - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of May
27, 2013
The BJP Agend in 2014 - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of April
1, 2013
Modi in the eyes of the beholder - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of March
18, 2013
India and Pakistan at the LOC - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of December
22, 2012
Politics and its Promises - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of October
17, 2012
Home with Trouble - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of July 23, 2012
ANGER - Indian governance is heading towards reform
- Commentarao in
"The Telegraph" of February 20, 2012
Energy Security and an independent foreign policy - Commentarao in
"The Telegraph" of October 31, 2011
Balance of Power -
Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of September 5, 2011
India needs a transformation
in the mindsets of those in power - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of
July 5, 2011
Government in Search of Leaders - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of
June 21, 2011
the state elections? - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of May 23, 2011
For coalitions to work, there has to be a coalition dharma -
Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of January 24, 2011
Two Gentlemen Leaders -
Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of April 19, 2010
CORRUPTION - Technocratic decisions for political objectives -
Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of April 19, 2010
Past And To Come - Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of January 11, 2010
Linguistic States and Chauvinism -
Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of November 16, 2009
Knavery And Naivete:
Changing The Perceptions Of Power -
Commentarao in "The Telegraph" of August 10, 2009
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