Administrative reform at heart of success for economic policies of Modi Government - Deccan Herald, August 23, 2014
Challenges of Change - Deccan Herald, June 27, 2014
Need for Bold Reforms-Moving Forward- Deccan Herald, May 24, 2014
Congress Party after May 16 2014- Deccan Herald, May, 2014 Rahul's Congress - The looming defeat - Deccan Herald, March 26, 2014
Using Statistics in Politics - Deccan Herald, October 5, 2013
The Indian economy under Sonia Gandhi - Deccan Herald, August 4, 2013
Agenda for 2014-Choices before us - Deccan Herald, April 10, 2013
Stemming the rot; mending institutions - Deccan Herald, February 26, 2013
Through Western Eyes-Media Manipulations - Deccan Herald, September 4, 2012
Disruptive Teams - Deccan Herald, March 6, 2012
Accountability Mantra-Winds Of Change - Deccan Herald, February 15, 2012
Agenda for Governance -TRANSFORMING INDIA - Deccan Herald, November 1, 2011
Touch Neighbours - Deccan Herald, June 4, 2011
Will India be a Superpower? - August 10, 2010
DEALING WITH NAXALISM-Restore the tribals’ rights
States Reorganization - December 27, 2009
Politics and the Economy - April 4, 2009
Dealing with Pakistan - January 3, 2009
After The Vote - August 5, 2008
No outsiders, only natives - June 7, 2008
Political Prognosis - December 29, 2007
Freedom of Expression - December 1, 2007
If UPA Government falls - October 13 2007
If UPA Government falls - October 6 2007
Convergence between Right And Left - August 25, 2007
Learning from the Past: India’s Prime Ministers and Presidents - June 2, 2007
Performance of the UPA Government - December 30, 2006
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